The first block of SE A is parking lots, all the way down to the southern end, where a lone vintage building still stands. In 1964 and 1965, the existing buildings were photographed as candidates for Urban Renewal, aka demolition. There were no buildings up to 16 SE A at that time, with the exception of Cotton and Jo’s Cafe, 8 SE A. There were buildings there up to the 50’s and early 60’s, but they had evidently fallen into disrepair.

1st block SE A circa 1916. The Glory B isn’t there yet, it was built in 1917. Note the missing Corbett building on the corner of A and 1st, it went in in 1926.

SE A and 1st, around 1918. This is how Miami got the nickname “Mudville.”

1st block of SE A, 1921

Parking lot at 12 SE A, 1965

Parking lot at 16 SE A, 1965

18 East SE A, Bamberl Clinic, 1964. The building to the right would be gone by the following year.

Bamberl Clinic, 18 SE A, 1965

20-22 SE A, Ensten Real Estate, Army Surplus Store in 1964

22 SE A, Ensten Real Estate, 1965

24 SE A, 1965

Rear view of Glory B/Miami Theater in 1964. This would have been at 26-30 SE A

Rear view of Glory B/Miami Theater in 1965

Parking lot at 32 SE A, 1965

Google Street View of 36 SE A, the lone present-day survivor on this block.