6-14 N Main

Unique Cafe and Piggly Wiggly, 1927

8 N Main, circa 1939

Woolworth’s, 1941

Woolworths Employees at the lunch counter, early 1960’s

J. Harness & Co. business card, circa 1919

Jake Harness, sitting, W.H. Dyer, circa 1919. Note the Mabon Building out the window. Click to enlarge

B&K ad, 1955
According to Miami’s 125th anniversary calendar, B&K installed the first neon sign in town in 1928. That might have been here, or possibly at their previous location at 21 South Main. Their estimated date of moving here is right about that time.

B&K Menswear is sold, 1950. This article shows that they had been around since WW1. They were formerly located at 21 South Main.

B&K Menswear yearbook ad – 1963

B&K tile entry at 12 North Main

Askin & Marine ad, 1927

Smith’s Garment Co. ad, 1935

Durham’s ad, 1955

Durham’s Ad, 1958