5-9 South Main
Security Bank and Doan’s Pendar Drugs, circa 1940
Security Bank drive-through, 1965
Medical Arts Pharmacy Ad, 1950
Card from the Mecca Cafe, 9 South Main, date unknown.
Spring Printing under new management in 1950. This company ran from 1929 to 1952.
Mcdonald-Brown Company ad, 1955
Gosney Printing ad, 1961
Gosney Printing yearbook ad, 1963
Gosney Printing yearbook ad, 1966
1932 Vaudeville Tryout at the Coleman Theater! See Sammy Brown, promoter, at Brownie’s Lunch
Roy’s Lunch ad, 1946
Obe’s Lunch Ad, 1956
Coast to Coast ad, 1967