422/8 N Main

428 N Main interior

Lot at 422 N Main

Patterson Mfg. ad from November 29, 1942
Patterson Manufacturing opened up in Miami in 1939, making overalls and trousers. When WWII started, the government put them to work. In 1941, they were in a building that was too small to handle the 200 employees they announced that they were taking on for the Defense Program, so presumably they moved to the larger quarters at 428 N Main shortly after that time. In November, 1942, they placed this large ad in the News-Record showing the facilities, which clearly changed over the years.

Patterson Mfg. ad seeking female help during WWII
Patterson Manufacturing was seeking out Rosie the Riveter with ads like this one, from September 1943.

1944 Anthony’s ad celebrating Patterson’s fifth anniversary
Local merchants were proud to sell clothing manufactured by Patterson’s right here in Miami. Patterson’s stayed at it after the war, their last mention in the paper was in July 1954.
In 1956, Neil Norton expanded the facilities used by Patterson Manufacturing with a graceful mid-century modern extension on 5th Street. It was beautiful to look at in its day, this kid remembers it well.

Neil Norton ad, 1957
This was Neil Norton’s home until at least 1969.