A Brief History of Riverview Park

Everything Else, Miami Social Activities

Trio enjoying the Neosho River in 1913

Riverview Park opening day celebration. Click to enlarge.

A park area has long existed at the extreme south end of Main Street. Photos can be seen of families at the river’s edge in the teens, just south of the first bridge to span the Neosho, very close to the present-day southern bridge’s location.

But on September 1, 1917, Riverview Park officially opened.

Possibly as early as the teens, a small pool and poolhouse was built close to the edge of the river, just north of where the east dam steps are. While flooding was less common in those days, the river did come out of its banks every few years. When discussions took place regarding the location of a huge new pool in 1929, concern was expressed that it be placed in an area less prone to flooding.

In 1923, the concrete dam was built, forming Lake Miami on the free flowing river, and causing spoonbill to gather in huge numbers at the south side, unable to swim upstream for the first time in history.

The Neosho River dam, Lake Miami, and the poolhouse as seen about 1925

A tourist camp sort of sprang up on its own at the present day site of the park on the east side of the river. These were common in towns when automobiles were becoming more commonplace. A family could park, pitch a tent, and spend the night before moving on the next morning. When the Great Depression hit, it became home to displaced folks who lost their homes. In 1930, the city announced that the tourist camp would be closed, and the folks down on their luck were force to move on.

October 7, 1930: The free city tourist camp would be closing

“A condition of disease, filth, and pilfering exists at the park now which makes a sore on an otherwise clean and healthy city” according to mayor W.L. Rush.

But the process wasn’t instant. A June 1931 editorial bemoaned the fact that transients still had tents pitched and permanent summer homes at the park, displacing residents seeking recreation.

In 1930, that huge new pool opened up, and the fact that it is still used today testifies to its amazing design and quality. Our founders didn’t foresee Pensacola Dam, otherwise they might have located the pool elsewhere, but still, it’s not common for floods to inundate it where it sits.

Article outlining the proposed site of the new city pool at Riverview Park dated April 1, 1930.

By 1932, the park was 50 acres in size, on both sides of the Neosho. Lowland grounds were left unmaintained, and improvements were made to higher areas. Four concrete tennis courts were added that year.

In 1933, an Old Settlers Reunion was held at the park. Attending were Harry Lykins, son of the town co-founder, as well as around 250 residents and their descendants who were around in 1891.

A 1934 newspaper article mentions Sunday school being held at a “big” tabernacle at the park, with expected attendance of 250. It was mentioned again in a 1935 article. But no other mentions were made of that tabernacle that I can find.

In 1937, Riverview Park was home to a small zoo run by Grove resident C.F. Tucker. The zoo had 32 animals when opened. These included a camel, llamas, elk, and reindeer.

1932 newspaper article encouraging visitors to the new city pool

The pavilion building just southwest of the swimming pool was likely built as a WPA project in the 30’s.

Riverview continued to be the city’s gathering place through the 40’s and 50’s. Land acquisitions caused it to periodically increase in size. In the early 60’s, a steel submarine was erected by the WPA-built pavilion. And in 1966, a beautiful Mid Century Modern pavilion was built.

Tug-of-war, probable location is Riverview Park, 1935

Riverview Park continues to be a treasured Miami gathering spot today. The dam, approaching 100 years old, is occasionally seen sticking out of the waters now backed up by Pensacola dam. Fishermen line its banks every spring during spoonbill season. And I’ve observed courageous young men wading the river retrieving lost hooks and sinkers, while big spoonbill bump into them in their travels. The park isn’t quite as old as the city, but will remain a part of it as long as the city lasts.

5 thoughts on “A Brief History of Riverview Park

  1. I fished with dad many timrs off the dam. One time while we were fishing dad fell off the dam into tree debris that saved him from drowning.

  2. Lewis Vernon Arnett (my Grandfather) drew out the design an Crafted w Wrought Iron the Metal Submarine at Riverview Park. (It was my favorite at the Park)
    Him an his Wife Jetty Mae moved to Miami from Chicago in the 40’s.
    When my GPs first moved to Miami, Lewis’s Business was designing/crafting w Wrought Iron. So He Started his own Workshop (not sure which year or where it was) an he worked w the City on occasion.
    He also designed/crafted the Wrought Iron Rocket Slide.
    Plus He designed/crafted an put up(not alone) the Wrought Iron Fencing around GAR Cemetery, plus made the legging on the Picnic Tables and Swing Benches in the Parks for Elderly or others watching there Children Play.
    Plus he designed/crafted Wtrought Iron decorative post on Porches at Ppls home’s here in Miami an around.
    Plus much more.
    Maybe some One he worked for will read this an let others know what Lewis did for them..

  3. Found this article while researching the big pool. Does anyone know the original dimensions of the pool that was built around 1930? The pool is somewhat smaller now.

  4. Hi Jody… You still have my mind blown because of your generosity after my house burned.. that was pure beauty at a tough time for us.. again, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
    My Grandpa and his company built the Big Pool, and I believe ,the old bridge at Riverview.

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