2-4 South Main

The Opera House, Early 20th Century. Originally a two-story building, the third floor was added shortly after construction and removed in a 1937 remodel.

Main Street, west side, circa 1921. That’s one of two Jackson Drug Companies in town in the Opera House, the other was just a block to the north.

Opera House, 1936

Harrah-O’Bannon announces a buyout of Jackson Drug Co. 1924

Harrah-O’Bannon Rexall Drugs ad, 1929

Saft Furniture, Sears, Wiley-Cole Rexall, State Business School about 1959

Wiley Cole Rexall Ad, 1961

Article announcing the 1946 opening of B & W Variety Store at 4 South Main

Sears Store yearbook ad – 1961
6-14 South Main

Saft Furniture Ad, 1949

Article about the Grand Theater, 1928

Ottawa Theater debuts, 1945
14-20 South Main

Millner-Berkey at their temporary home at 14 S Main

Roy Walker Drug Store ad, 1955

Leonard’s TV and Appliances Ad, 1968

M&M Cafe Ad, 1959

M&M Cafe yearbook ad – 1960

D&D Cafe Ad, 1967

D&D Cafe, 1965
22-26 South Main

Bottenfield Heating/Plumbing expanded into sewing machines with the Pfaff Sewing Center, 1955

Bargain Charlie’s Ad, 1958

Bargain Charlie’s yearbook ad – 1961

Gosney Printing Ad, 1968

Gosney Printing yearbook ad – 1966

1941 parade in front of 24 South Main

Alene’s Childrens Shop ad, 1940

1960 Salyer’s Tot Shop yearbook ad

Reynolds Shoe Repair about 1965

Reynolds Boot and Shoe Shop Ad, 1966

Miami Service Shop ad, 1959
28-32 South Main

Puritan Ice Cream Store ad, 1947

Beacon Television ad, 1953. See yourself on television!

Rodgers Indian Jewelry and Western Wear ad, 1955. Miami artist Bronson Edwards created two hand-carved totem poles for the business.

Miami Self-Service Shoes ad, 1957

Army Store Ad, 1968

Martin’s Shoe Shop ad, 1936

Baker Boy Bakery Ad, 1957

7 ’til 11 Store ad, 1950

Davis Paint Store Ad, 1957